Pembayaran bisa dilakukan lewat tiga metode, bisa dengan Pembayaran ATM/transfer Bank atau melalui solusi online banking atau kartu kredit.
ATM & Bank Transfer Payments
To make a real-time payment by ATM or bank transfer, click on the tab titled ATM / PAYMENTS. works in cooperation with :
How to pay with Bank BCA
Select Other Transactions
Select Transfer
Select BCA Virtual Account
Input BCA Virtual Account number we gave you
Follow instructions to complete the transaction
BCA Virtual Account - ATM
Select Other Transactions
Select Transfer
Select BCA Virtual Account
Input BCA Virtual Account number we gave you
Follow instructions to complete the transaction
BCA Virtual Account - Internet Banking
Log-in to KlikBCA (have your token ready)
Select Fund Transfer
Select Transfer to BCA Virtual Account
Input BCA Virtual Account number we gave you
Follow instructions to complete the transaction
BCA Virtual Account - Mobile Banking
Log-in to m-BCA
Select m-Transfer
Select Transfer to BCA Virtual Account
Input BCA Virtual Account number we gave you
Input your m-BCA PIN
Follow instructions to complete the transaction
BCA Virtual Account - Mobile Banking (Sim ToolKit)
Select m-BCA
Select m-Payment
Select Others / Lainnya
Type TVA then click Ok
Input BCA Virtual Account number we gave you
Input your m-BCA PIN then click OK
Follow instructions to complete the transaction
Cash Payment can be done at a BCA branch counter (within the same payment time limit provided in the booking confirmation page)
How to pay with Bank Mandiri
Select Payment/Purchase
Select MultiPayment
Input Company / Institution Code 70012
Input Mandiri Virtual Account number we gave you
Select Yes to proceed payment
Alternative : You can also pay from any ATM with an ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA logo (if your card has a ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA logo at the back) (Mandiri Bank Code is 008)
Internet Banking
Log-in to Internet Banking (have your token ready)
Select Payment
Select MultiPayment
Select 'NusaTrip' as Service Provider
Input Payment Code we gave you
Check IDR
Click Continue to proceed payment
Mobile Banking
Log-in to Mobile Banking
Select Payment
Select MultiPayment
Select 'NusaTrip' as Service Provider
Input Payment Code we gave you
Select Lanjut
Input your OTP and PIN
Select OK
Cash Payment can be done at a Bank Mandiri branch (within the same payment time limit provided in the booking confirmation page)
How to pay with Bank BNI
Select Transfer
Select to BNI Account
Input Virtual Account number we gave you
Input the exact amount
Validate the information displayed
Select Yes to proceed payment
Alternative : You can also pay from any ATM with an ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA or ALTO logo (if your card has a ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA logo at the back) (BNI Bank Code is 009)
Internet Banking
Log-in to Internet Banking (have your token ready)
Select Transaction
Select Info and Administration
Select Set Destination Account
Select Add Destination Account and then select OK
Input Order Number as NusaTrip (for example)
Input Virtual Account number we gave you
Fill all data required and then click Continue
Input Authentication Code Token and then select Process
You have successfully added destination account
Select Menu Transfer and then select Transfer to BNI Account
Select Your Destination Account : NusaTrip
Input the amount and then input Authentication Code Token
Mobile Banking
Log-in to Mobile Banking
Select Transfer
Select to BNI Account
Select Destination Account
Select Input New Account
Input the Virtual Account number we gave you and then click Continue
Input the amount and click Continue
Input Your Transaction Password and then click Continue
BNI SMS Banking
Log-in to SMS Banking BNI
Select Transfer
Select Trf Rekening BNI
Input the Virtual Account number we gave you
Input the amount and select Process
In PopUp Message select Agree
Input Your PIN OR
Through SMS to 3346 with format : TRF[SPACE]BNI Virtual Account Number[SPACE]AMOUNT
Cash Payment can be done at a BNI branch (within the same payment time limit provided in the booking confirmation page)
How to pay with Bank BRI
Select Other Transaction
Select Payment
Select Other Payment
Select BRIVA
Input the BRIVA Number we gave you
BRIVA Payment data will be displayed and then select Yes to proceed payment
Alternative : You can also pay from any ATM with an ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA logo (if your card has a ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA logo at the back) (BRI Bank Code is 002)
Internet Banking
Log-in to Internet Banking
Select Payment
Select BRIVA
Select Source Account and then input Payment Code (BRIVA Number) we gave you
Input your Password and then input your mToken
Click Send to proceed payment
Mobile Banking
Log-in to BRI Mobile
Select Mobile Banking BRI
Select Payment
Select BRIVA
Input BRIVA Number we gave you
Input the amount and click OK
Input your PIN Mobile and click Send
Cash Payment can be done at a BRI branch (within the same payment time limit provided in the booking confirmation page)
How to pay with Bank CIMB Niaga
Select Payment
Select Virtual Account
Input the Virtual Account number we gave you
Select your Source Account and then click Proceed to continue
Alternative : You can also pay from any ATM with an ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA logo (if your card has a ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA logo at the back) (CIMB NIAGA Bank Code is 022)
Internet Banking
Log-in to Internet Banking
Select Pay Bills
Select your Source Account that you want to use
In Payment Type select Virtual Account
Input Virtual Account number we gave you
Payment confirmation will be displayed and then input your mPIN
Click Submit to proceed payment
Mobile Banking
Log-in to Go Mobile
Select Transfer
Select Transfer to Other CIMB NIAGA Account
Select Source Account and then input the Virtual Account number we gave you
Input the amount and click Submit
Virtual Account data will be displayed
Input your PIN Mobile and click Confirm
Teller / Cash payment is not allowed
How to pay with Maybank
Select Payment
Select Virtual Account
Input the Virtual Account number we gave you
Input the exact amount
Validate the information displayed
Select Yes to proceed payment
Alternative : You can also pay from any ATM with an ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA or ALTO logo (if your card has a ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA or ALTO logo at the back) (MAYBANK/BII Bank Code is 016)
Online Banking
Log-in to Maybank Internet Banking Personal web site (M2U)
Select Fund Transfer
Select Virtual Account
Select Source Account
Input Virtual Account number and the exact amount to pay
A confirmation message will show, input the SMS token (TAC)
SMS+ Banking
Select Transfer
Select Virtual Account
Select Source Account
Input the Virtual Account number and the exact amount to pay and follow the next step OR
Through USSD *141*3# : Select Transfer, select Virtual Account and follow the next step
Cash Payment can be done at a Maybank branch (within the same payment time limit provided in the booking confirmation page)
How to pay with Bank Danamon Transfer
You have the Option to do a real-time transfer by : ATM, SMS or Online Banking
You need any Danamon ATM card
Go to any Danamon ATM or ATM machine with the ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA logo
In the ATM menu, select bank transfer to other bank
Some ATM ask for a bank code & a bank account, some only ask for a bank account (in that case put the bank code at begining of the account number)
Input the bank code and bank account provided in checkout confirmation
Then the amount to pay
There is no need to input any reference number
The ATM should show a confirmation & the name of the account owner should be ""
Internet Banking
Log-in to Bank Danamon Online web site
In Transfer select : Online Transfer InterBank - Realtime Transfer
Input the bank code and bank account provided in checkout confirmation
Then the amount to pay
There is no need to input any reference number
A confirmation message will show the account owner, it should be ""
Mobile Banking
You can use Bank Danamon Mobile application on a smart phone
Select Transfer To Other Banks "Realtime Transfer"
Input the bank code and bank account provided in checkout confirmation
Then the amount to pay
There is no need to input any reference number
A confirmation message will show the account owner, it should be ""
How to pay with Bank Permata Transfer
You have the Option to do a real-time transfer by : ATM, SMS or Online Banking
You need any Permata ATM card
Go to any Permata ATM or ATM machine with the ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA logo
In the ATM menu, select bank transfer to other bank
Some ATM ask for a bank code & a bank account, some only ask for a bank account (in that case put the bank code at begining of the account number)
Input the bank code and bank account provided in checkout confirmation
Then the amount to pay
There is no need to input any reference number
The ATM should show a confirmation & the name of the account owner should be ""
Internet Banking
Log-in to Bank Permata Online web site
In Transfer select : Online Transfer InterBank - Realtime Transfer
Input the bank code and bank account provided in checkout confirmation
Then the amount to pay
There is no need to input any reference number
A confirmation message will show the account owner, it should be ""
Mobile Banking
You can use Bank Permata Mobile application on a smart phone
Select Transfer To Other Banks "Realtime Transfer"
Input the bank code and bank account provided in checkout confirmation
Then the amount to pay
There is no need to input any reference number
A confirmation message will show the account owner, it should be ""
How to pay with Bank Panin Transfer
With your Panin ATM card, go to any Panin ATM, select bank transfer to other bank, input the account number we gave you & the exact amount.
You can also pay from any ATM with an ATM Bersama or PRIMA logo (if your card has a ATM Bersama or PRIMA logo at the back)
Internet Banking
Log-in to Panin Online web site
In Transfer select Interbank Real Time online Transfer (not LLG or RTGS)
Input the bank code and bank account provided in checkout confirmation
Then the amount to pay (max Rp 25.000.000 per transaction)
There is no need to input any reference number
A confirmation message will show the account owner, it should be ""
if you have registered SMS banking on your account, you can make the transfer via SMS (please see Panin web site for SMS format).
How to pay with ATM Transfer
You need any ATM card under the ATM BERSAMA or PRIMA or ALTO networks
In the ATM menu, select Bank Transfer to Other Bank
Some ATM ask for a bank code & a bank account, some only ask for a bank account (in that case put the bank code at begining of the account number)
Input the bank code and bank account provided in checkout confirmation
Then enter the Amount to pay
There is no need to input any reference number
The ATM should show a confirmation & the name of the account owner should be ''
Real-Time Online Transfer
Some bank support “real-time” online transfer, this can be used to pay
Select bank : Maybank / BII (bank code : 016) and use the account provided for your booking
Your bank might support SMS & Online Transfer using one of this network
If your bank payment steps are not listed in our help section, please contact your bank to confirm if SMS & Online transfers can be used over ATM BERSAMA, PRIMA or ALTO (real-time interbank transfer)
We do not support non-real-time transfer, like the one done with LLG or RTGS
Cash Payment can be done at a Maybank branch (within the same payment time limit provided in the booking confirmation page)
Having selected the Bank or ATM Bersama Network to transfer to, click 'Pay Button '. The next page will load showing your booking details , checkout information &provide you with a unique bank account number for that booking (or virtual bank account) with the selected bank, to make the transfer.
On the check-out page, we will give you a time limit to pay, after which we will automatically cancel the booking.
Jika jumlah pemesanan lebih besar dari 10.000.000 Anda mungkin perlu melakukan beberapa transaksi ke akun yang sama untuk mentransfer jumlah total. Tergantung pada batas yang ditentukan akun atau kartu yang dikeluarkan oleh bank Anda.
Once you have transferred, we will automatically detect your transfer and send you a confirmation email with your booking &payment status, as well as the appropriate travel confirmation documents related to your booking. If you have created an account, the booking detail will be available in "My Bookings ".
List of Banks supported by ATM Bersama inter-bank transfer :
ANZ Indonesia
Bank Aceh
Bank Agroniaga
Bank Artos Indonesia
Bank Bengkulu
Bank BJB
Bank BNP
Bank Bukopin
Bank Capital
Bank Commonwealth
Bank DKI
Bank Ekonomi
Bank Ganesha
Bank ICB Bumiputera
Bank Ina Perdana
Bank Index
Bank Jabar Banten Syariah
Bank Jambi
Bank Jateng
Bank Jatim
Bank Kalbar
Bank Kalsel
Bank Kaltim
Bank Kesejahteraan
Bank Lampung
Bank Maluku
Bank Mayapada Internasional
Bank Mayora
Bank Mega
Bank Mestika
Bank Muamalat
Bank Nagari
Bank Nobu
Bank NTB
Bank NTT
Bank of India Indonesia
Bank Panin
Bank Papua
Bank Pundi
Bank QNB Kesawan
Bank Riau Kepri
Bank Saudara
Bank Sinarmas
Bank Sulselbar
Bank Sulteng
Bank Sultra
Bank Sulut
Bank Sumsel Babel
Bank Sumut
Bank Syariah Mandiri
Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia
BNI 46
BPD Bali
BPD Kalteng
BPR Karyajatnika Sadaya
BPR Semoga Jaya
BRI Syariah
CIMB Niaga
Mutiara Bank
Permata Bank
Standard Chartered Bank
Telkomsel (TCASH)
UOB Indonesia
List of Banks supported by ATM PRIMA inter-bank transfer:
Bank Agris
Bank ANZ
Bank Antardaerah
Bank Artha Graha
Bank BCA Syariah
Bank BJB
Bank BNI
Bank BNP
Bank BPD Kaltim
Bank BRI Syariah
Bank Bukopin
Bank Bumi Arta
Bank Central Asia (BCA)
Bank Chinatrust Indonesia
Bank CIMB Niaga
Bank Commonwealth
Bank DKI
Bank Ekonomi Raharja
Bank Hana
Bank Jasa Jakarta
Bank Jateng
Bank Jatim
Bank Kalbar
Bank Mandiri
Bank Maspion
Bank Mayapada Internasional
Bank Mega
Bank Mega Syariah Mandiri
Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Bank Mutiara
Bank Nusantara Parahyangan
Bank Papua
Bank Permata
Bank Pundi
Bank Rabobank
Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Bank Riau
Bank Royal
Bank SBI Indonesia
Bank Sinarmas
Bank Sulselbar
Bank Sumselbabel
Bank Syariah Mandiri
Bank BTN
Bank UOB Buana
Bank Victoria
Bank Windu
Bank Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Solusi Bank Online
To make a payment through the supported Online Banking solutions, click on the tab titled ONLINE BANKING.
We support Bank Mandiri Clickpay, KlikBCA and BCA KlikPay, select the one that you want to use for this transaction. Note that if you have never used this solution from your bank, you must activate the payment solution with the bank (see BCA KlikPay or clickpay mandiri). For Mandiri Clickpay, follow the instruction regarding the information you need to input on the page. Make sure that you have your secure mandiri token.For KlikBCA, a KlikBCA USER ID is required.
Make sure that you have your secure BCA token device for the next stop on KlikBCA web site.
Then click PAY button. The next page will load showing your booking details and checkout information. A please Wait message will show, information you that our system is processing your booking. If you select Mandiri Clickpay, we will show you a confirmation of the payment status and booking status right on our checkout confirmation page. For KlikBCA :
Log-in to KlikBCA web site with USER ID you provide in checkout (have your token ready)
Go to menu e-Commerce Payment
Select Tour/Travel/Hotel
Pemesanan anda akan tampil pada halaman KlikBCA, proses pembayaran
Setelah pembayaran dilunasi, pemesanan Anda akan segera diproses
For BCA KlikPay, once your booking is processed, a redirect message will show for 10 seconds before we send you to the BCA KlikPay website to complete the payment process :
Login dengan alamat email dan password terdaftar di BCA KlikPay Anda (berbeda dengan login KlikBCA)
Lihat detail transaksi, pilih asal pembayaran : KLIKBCA dan klik Lanjut
Pada Laman selanjutnya, silakan klik Tombol untuk mendapatkan OTP (One Time Password)
Anda akan menerima SMS dari BCA yang berisi password untuk dimasukkan di kotak kode OTP (One Time Password), kemudian klik Bayar
Begitu pembayaran anda dikonfirmasi BCA, pilih opsi kembali ke situs penjual dari KlikPay. Tombol ini akan membawa Anda kembali ke Nusatrip dimana Anda akan menemukan halaman konfirmasi dengan detail pemesanan dan status pembayaran.
Anda juga akan menerima email status pembayaran & pemesanan Anda, beserta dokumen perjalanan terkait dengan pesanan. Apabila anda memiliki akun, detail pemesanan bisa ditemukan di 'Pemesanan Saya".
Pembayaran Kartu Kredit
Pilih KARTU KREDIT tab (kami mendukung Mastercard, Visa, American Express & JCB), semua itu dibutuhkan untuk mengisi masing-masing bidang dengan informasi terkait yang dibutuhkan.
Lalu klik 'Pay Button '. Halaman berikutnya akan memunculkan detail pemesanan, informasi checkout, dan menginformasikan mengenai pembayaran telah diproses
Untuk memberikan Anda keamanan online terbaik, Nusatrip mendukung fitur yang bernama 3D secure : "MasterCard Securecode", "Verified by VISA", "JCB J/Secure" & “American Express SafeKey”. Jika bank yang mengeluarkan tiket Anda memiliki fitur ini dan kartu Anda sudah diaktivasi, Anda akan melihat pesan yang menyatakan bahwa kami akan mengarahkan Anda ke bagian keuangan untuk verifikasi. Pada laman tersebut Anda diminta untuk melewati langkah verifikasi bank (tergantung kebijakan masing-masing bank) sebelum dikirim kembali ke laman konfirmasi check-out Mohon pastikan Anda tidak refresh laman karena beberapa arahan dan koneksi dengan bank membutuhkan waktu beberapa saat.
Jika bank Anda sudah menyetujui transaksi tersebut, kami akan mengirimkan email konfirmasi booking lengkap dengan status booking & pembayaran, serta dokumen konfirmasi yang berhubungan dengan booking Anda. Jika Anda sudah membuat akun, detail booking akan tersedia di "Pemesanan Saya".
Tips: ketika mendapatkan kartu kredit baru dari bank, sangat disarankan untuk bertanya dahulu apakah kartu mendukung "MasterCard Securecode", "Verified by VISA", "JCB J/Secure" atau "American Express SafeKey" dan memastikannya sudah diaktifkan.
Our system will be send special deals every monthly.