2 airports found


Time zone in Kathmandu is : GMT+05:30

The capital city of Nepal, and the home to more than one million inhabitants, Kathmandu is the urban core of the Kathmandu Valley in the Himalayas. The gateway to a mystical land of temples, mountains and monasteries, Kathmandu’s reputation as a backpacker hub to the Himalaya\'s, sees legions of travelers head for adventure in the high mountain passes. In between expeditions, spend a few days exploring the medieval city-states that dot the valley floor. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1979 , the centre of Kathmandu still feels like a living museum of Hindu and Buddhist art scattered across its narrow streets.

Airports Serving KATHMANDU

Tribuvan Intl. - (KTM)

Hotel prices in Kathmandu


Time zone in Sydney is : GMT+10:00

Sydney is situated on one of the world\'s most striking harbors, where the two of its major icons, the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge steal the limelight. More then just a sprawling metropolis filled with skyscrapers and high-end shopping, its surprising to know that the capital of New South Wales, is actually quite close to nature. Within minutes you can be riding the waves on Bondi Beach, bush walking in Manly or gazing out across Botany Bay, where the first Europeans arrived in the 18th century. Thanks to its cozy subtropical climate, its no wonder locals prefer to enjoy their daily routines outside while taking in the nbeauty that is Sydney.

Airports Serving SYDNEY

Kingsford Smith Intl. - (SYD)

Hotel prices in Sydney